Collaborative Care

Bringing Behavioral Health Services To Your Organization

Access. Efficiency. Allied. Allied BHI’s Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) is at the forefront of behavioral health integration. Our mission is simple: increase patient access to mental health services, make behavioral healthcare more efficient and ally with medical practices and care organizations in the future of comprehensive healthcare.

How The Collaborative Care Model Works

Our Collaborative Care Model has five major players:

  • You (Billing Provider): As a medical provider, employer or facility manager, you oversee all aspects of your patient’s care and collaborate with Allied BHI’s behavioral health specialists and consulting psychiatrists.

  • Patient: The patient will attend regular counseling sessions with Allied BHI’s behavioral health specialists and continue to receive care from you, their medical provider.

  • Behavioral Health Specialist: Allied BHI’s behavioral health specialist has counseling sessions with the patient and provides support. The specialist will monitor the patient’s progress, review clinical information and be in close contact with you, the provider, and the psychiatric consultant.

  • Psychiatric Consultant: This board certified psychiatrist will review the behavioral health specialist’s updates on the patient and provide diagnostic and treatment recommendations.

  • Proprietary Registry Software: Allied BHI’s own cutting-edge registry system facilitates easy and streamlined communication between you, the provider, the behavioral health specialist and the psychiatric consultant to securely manage patient progress.

Infographic demonstrating Allied BHI's collaborative care model

This team works together to develop and implement a measurement-guided care plan following evidence-based practice guidelines that help you provide holistic care to your patients. The integration of behavioral health and physical healthcare improves patient outcomes, cuts down on overall costs and reduces the stigma surrounding mental health.

How The Collaborative Care Model Works: Billing Providers

As the billing provider, you play a pivotal role in behavioral health integration. You are often at the forefront of identifying and addressing mental health concerns in your patients—and by partnering with Allied BHI, you can ensure your patients receive timely care.

If your patient is showing signs of mental illness or has expressed concerns about their mental health, you can easily connect them with an Allied BHI behavioral health specialist. This specialist will have evidence-based counseling sessions with the patient, monitor their progress, administer assessments to the patient and consult with both you and the psychiatric consultant for treatment progress and recommendations. As the billing provider, you can confirm diagnoses, write or refill prescription medications and ensure your patients are receiving the best possible care.

By combining your medical expertise with a comprehensive understanding of the connections between physical and mental health, you can contribute significantly to the success of behavioral health integration efforts. Furthermore, as the billing provider, you can expect an increase in revenue at your practice or organization, an increase in patient satisfaction and a more efficient allotment of your precious time and resources.

How The Collaborative Care Model Works: Patients

Patients who may be experiencing symptoms of mental illness can now receive mental health care more easily and efficiently than ever before. On average, patients can wait up to three to four months to be seen by a psychiatric specialist—but by incorporating Allied BHI’s mental health services into your practice or organization, patients can get the crucial treatment they need as soon as possible. Patients who elect to undergo mental health care can stay in-house, allowing them to be treated for their physical and mental health all under one roof and feel comfortable and supported as they navigate their mental illness. As a part of our Collaborative Care Model, patients will undergo regular counseling sessions with our behavioral health specialists and fill out regular assessments to monitor treatment progress. Counseling sessions are tailored to the specific needs of each patient by our qualified team. Behavioral health services are also affordable for patients—many insurances only require a small co-pay for each visit.

How The Collaborative Care Model Works: Behavioral Health Specialists

Our team of qualified, compassionate behavioral health specialists seamlessly integrate into your practice to provide evidence-based, expert mental health care. Behavioral health specialists have counseling sessions with patients that are tailored to their specific needs and goals; administer assessments to help monitor patient progress; frequently consult with and update the billing provider and psychiatric consultant on treatment progress; adhere to the medical advice and treatment guidance from the billing provider and psychiatric consultant; and overall plays an integral role in developing, implementing and monitoring the patient’s behavioral health treatment plan.

How The Collaborative Care Model Works: Psychiatric Consultants

Allied BHI works with a network of board certified psychiatrists who help to provide treatment and medication guidance for your patients. While the behavioral health specialists will have direct contact with the patient, psychiatric consultants will collaborate with the behavioral health specialist and the billing provider to provide their expertise and recommendations for treatment and medication. We work with consulting psychiatrists who have specialization in various mental disorders as well as age groups—from children to seniors.

How The Collaborative Care Model Works: Registry Software

Allied BHI’s proprietary registry software is an industry-leading platform that allows for ease of communication between behavioral health specialists, psychiatric consultants and billing providers. The platform is secure and user-friendly and seamlessly integrates with your EHR—making onboarding a breeze. Monitor your patients’ progress, review medications and treatment recommendations and ensure your patients are getting the high-quality care they deserve with just a few clicks.

Allied Together In The Future Of Healthcare

The demand for accessible, affordable behavioral health services is higher than ever. Join us in our mission to provide high-quality, holistic care to patients everywhere. Connect with us today to see how Allied BHI can benefit your patients and your business. Call us at 855.322.5124 or fill out our online contact form.

Hear From One Of Our Amazing Behavioral Health Specialists

“The Allied BHI model is a collaborative care model that combines medical care and behavioral health care into a one-stop-shop. Us as Behavioral Health Specialists, we go out to these different practices and we’re able to be within the office and provide the behavioral health portion of the care team in addition to the primary care provider and the consulting psychiatrist. So we provide short-term solution focus care to the patients who are referred by their primary care physicians.”

—Jerrica Barksdale, LPC
Behavioral Health Specialist, Allied BHI



In The Future Of Patient Care

Allied BHI is ready to help you start caring for your patients’ minds and bodies with mental health services, right in your office.